Date: 27 November 2017
In the period from 23 to 24 November this year, the StekloSouz Association of Russia held the International Forum "Glass of modern technologies - XXI".
As you know, more than 220 delegates from 15 countries worked together to solve the strategic challenges and challenges that consumers in the various sectors of the macroeconomy are facing the global glass industry.
Two days of the problem of technological development of the production of glass and products, raw materials, refractories of related materials and technologies were the subject of peer review and discussion. Special subjects were training and ecology.
During the period of the Annual Industry event, Certificates were issued to 25 new Members - Members of the Association who joined the StekloSouz in 2017.
At a gala dinner, in honor of the Holiday - the Day of Glass Industry Workers, Victor Ivanovich Osipov, the president of the Association, wished all veterans, specialists engaged in the Glass Industry, good health and luck in overcoming the consequences of the crisis! Participants of the Symposium visited glass factories, enterprises, including a new complex for the production of glass forms.
As part of the cultural program, excursions to museums of glass were held.
Interesting and exciting were the competitions in various sports between the leaders-delegates of the Congress.
The scientific and production congress of the delegates-leaders of various segments of the Glass Industry was completed on November 24 this year. by the adoption of the "Decision". In the period of heated discussion, sharp themes were agreed upon. By a general vote, the document was approved. All 100 percent of Forum participants voted for the Program of Action of the StekloSouz Association of Russia for 2018.
At present, the materials are drawn up and until 01.12.2017 will be published on the Branch Portal and the Bulletin of the same name.
In the opinion of the delegates of the Forum, the Business Program of the Sectoral Event was completed successfully.
In 2018, under the leadership of the StekloSouz Association of Russia, it is necessary to implement the planned Program for the Development of the Glass Industry of Russia in a coordinated manner.
Post-Release Forum 2017: "Glass modern technology - XXI" will be published before December 1 of this year.
Press Center of StekloSouz

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