Date: 11 December 2006
GPD puts emphasis on case studies:
Production control and process economy to the fore
The GPD Conference is staged for the 10th time in June 2007. The Conference program has been further developed and case intensity has been broadened. One of the unique presentations to be shared is the Bevelite of Australia experience on how to improve and master process control in the production of advanced glass products.
- This is a method developed with the aim of maximizing control, quality and operational reliability. ‘We are especially challenged by the opportunity to present our system at the GDP Conference, it is a forum like no other. The knowledgeable participants provide us with feedback and at the same time we can live up to the ambition of the Conference to develop the business through joint effort and communication’ says Lee Thurbon, Manager of Bevelite Glass in Sydney.
The Bevelite Glass A&W System we have customized was inspired by the need to:
Increase output of work force without working any harder – through improved electronic organization
Increase machine utilization (machinery being used full 8 hours per day, reduced idle time through electronic organization)
Reduced factory management, (reduced overhead costs), (more hands on labor) operators priorities electronically scheduled
Reduced lead times because of electronic prioritizing and tracking, and giving customers real time information
Traceability to address quality issues
Recording system to address Australian Standards for toughened and laminated glass, and a bridge between Tamglass QMS system and our own
Currently there are 26 Toughening Plants in Sydney of which Bevelite Glass owns two.
Flexible and customized
The system has been able to be constantly customized to make Bevelite market competitive and gain an advantage in service and presentation over competitors.
- The A&W system we have customized was inspired by the need to have a leading edge in the market, Lee Thurbon explains. Development was also boosted by the growing need for process economy to counter rising operational costs, especially concerning energy. We also found that we needed better tools than before to take process experiences into account in producing repeat orders. Customer service and delivery reliability were also key factors in designing the system. Toughening competition was another key issue that we wished to counter. We needed a system that could profile us on the market and ensure our customers of first-rate performance both for quality and economy.
Bevelite – the story of a process specialist
Bevelite Glass is a family business employing 45 staff. Owners Dennis and Lesley Loudoun incorporated in 1986 and Bevelite has recently celebrated 21 years of trading.
Business started in western suburbs of Sydney in a 100 square meters factory. The only employee initially was Dennis Loudoun. Still located in Sydney’s west Bevelite now occupies 6,500 square meters of space.Initially the manufacture of leadlights was the only source of income. In 1989, through market opportunity, a Bovone beveling machine was purchased. This drastically altered the perspective on business. The value of marketing and the advantages of manufacturing precision through machinery compared to manual production became pronounced.
During the following 10 years additional investments in modern equipment including, auto cutting lines were made. CNC processing machines, more beveling equipment etc were put in. In June 2000 Bevelite purchased its first Tamglass Furnace which altered the entire mindset on business. Success in terms of production capacity and financial gains were immediate but so was the obvious need for production scheduling.
Bevelite had the advantage of an extremely dedicated and experienced staff led by Mr. Lee Thurbon. Excellent products on efficient and reliable machinery were delivered to a solid list of clients. The need for a system to control the ever increasing production was evident. After many years of extremely hard work, which at times tested the resolve of both management and staff, Bevelite now believes to have created a system that really works.

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