Date: 20 December 2021
We at GPD, have been looking forward to holding GPD 2021 as a physical and online event in February 2022. Our commitment was to deliver a unique and memorable first ever GPD winter edition. This was based on the improving COVID situation that looked very promising until infection rates started to rise again some weeks ago. Due to this rise, many interested participants have indicated that they may not be able to come to Finland in February 2022 due to travel restrictions set by their companies as well as in their countries, most likely leading to an online only event.
Given the above challenges, we once again sought the opinion of various GPD partners on whether we should hold an online only event in February, 2022. Majority prefer the event to be held in hybrid format instead of an online only version.
Since we cannot tell if things will change for the better in 2022, and to avoid this uncertainty, we have now decided to cancel the GPD 2021 edition.
Due to this cancellation, we will start planning GPD 2023, to be held as a summer live event in Tampere. The 2023 event dates and details will be released later.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause.
We however remain optimistic that the situation will have improved in 2023 to allow us to hold the event.
We wish you happy Holidays and successful 2022.
With best wishes
GPD Team

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