Date: 12 April 2017
You are invited to submit a paper presentation for The Glass Processing Conference (GPC) 2017 on the theme: "Providing Effective & Efficient Solutions for Enhanced Productivity"
Setting sights to promote innovation and cutting-edge technologies for the glass industry, GPC 2017 sets to provide solutions for enhanced productivity geared towards elevating the glass processing industry.
This year's GPC 2017 looks to provide high powered discussions and innovations responsive to the niche and unique architectural glass industry.
We especially encourage the submission of case studies that will provide productivity solutions for the glass industry
Benefits of Being A Speaker
Increase your prominence in the Asia Glass market through effective presentation of your expert knowledge and acumen.
Further receive the opportunity to network with fellow professionals from the same and various related sectors during the Tea break Session as well as throughout the event.
Submission Information & Guidelines
Provide an abstract of no more than 300 words on the focus of your presentation in relation to the conference theme. Submissions are invited for:
- Individual proposal (45 min slot)
- Panel session proposal (40 min slot) including
- Discussion topic
- List of Panelists
- Moderator
Please submit your proposal via email with the following information to manda@cems.com.sg.
- Title of the paper
- Name of author
- Abstract of presentation
- Speaker’s bio and photo in high resolution
- Full contact details of speaker
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 20 June 2017
Acceptance Notification by: 27 June 2017
*Please be advised that only selected speakers will be notified
For more information, please contact GPC Organizing Committee 2017
Ms. Manda Tan
Email: manda@cems.com.sg
Contact: (+65) 6278 8666

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