Date: 14 September 2022
In addition to basic facts about GPD, the content focuses on the upcoming conference in June 2023.
Glass and the distinctive GPD letters as well as a touch of playfulness are the essences of the new GPD look and feel. The new visual identity will step-by-step be used in all GPD materials and applications. Launched in the middle of September 2022, the new GPD website is one of the first applications showcasing the new GPD visual identity.
“User friendliness has been the most important thing when creating the new website. We have put a lot of effort into creating clear navigation where it’s easy to find the information. General GPD information and materials have their own sections whereas all event-related materials, meaning conferences, Step Change and Theme Park by GPD are in the Events section. Our ambition has also been to create a visually interesting website. The address remains the same and is gpd.fi,” says Brown Onduso, Conference Manager at GPD.
After a four-year break, Glass Performance Days Finland 2023 will commence in Tampere, Finland on June 14-16, 2023. Currently, GPD is calling for abstracts and all relevant information is available on the website.
Follow the event updates online
“We will continuously update the event content to the website as this will be our number one communications channel. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 20 November, and all information related to this process can already be found on the website. As soon as the Call for abstracts has been finalized, the speakers will be introduced on the website and the preliminary program launched,” Brown Onduso comments.
GPD Finland 2023 information is also actively communicated on all social media channels.
Meet the GPD team at glasstec 2022
GPD is present at glasstec 2022 at Glaston’s booth A40/A41 in Hall 15. Brown Onduso and Marko Mökkönen are both happy to give more information about how to participate in GPD Finland 2023 as a speaker, workshop organizer, exhibitor or sponsor.
For more information, please contact:
Marko Mökkönen, phone +358 504 756 591
Brown Onduso, phone +358 407 739 313

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