Date: 16 September 2007
New oil lubricated rotary vanes vacuum pumps GP/M complying with ATEX, fit for sucking solvents and gases in critical areas. Displacements from 11 up to 300 m3/h and vacuum limit of 0.5mbarAbs.
New oil lubricated vane compressors GC complying with ATEX, fit for handle methane, LPG, biogas in critical areas. Displacements from 6 up to 300 m3/h and 2.5 barg delta pressure.
New dry screw vacuum pump model SATURNO, Teflon inside coated, complying with ATEX, fit for solvents, gas sucking and recovery in critical areas. Displacements from 100 to 10.000 m3/h and 0.05mbarAbs vacuum limit. No oil or water contamination. Fully complying environmental regulations.
New dry vane vacuum pumps GS V/P for printing industry. Displacement from 3 up to 100 m3/h and fit for running to vacuum-pressure –0.6bar/+0.6barg.
New vacuum generators for printing industry. Displacement from 10 up to 1.000 m3/h and fit for running to vacuum pressure –0.6bar/+0.6barg.
New side channel blowers or roots blowers in compliance with ATEX, fit for handle solvents or gas in critical areas. Displacement from 30 up to 16.000 m3/h and max delta pressure of 1 bar.
New liquid custom made combined liquid ring vacuum pump packages complying with ATEX. Displacement from 10 up to 10.000 m3/h and 10 mbarAbs vacuum limit.
After sale service is a “must” for General Europe Vacuum offering, whenever requested, full repairing service, maintenance schedule and spare parts of all pumps brands. We will exhibit our pumps and packages to the next VITRUM VTE in Milan
Hall 15 – booths 19b.
Visit us !!

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