Date: 20 February 2020
From March 3 to 6, 2020, Crocus Expo for the third year in a row will host the contest for the Future Skills Industrial Design skill as part of the BATIMAT 2020 international exhibition of design, interior, construction and building technologies. Contestants from different regions of Russia will demonstrate a high level of skill in the field of creative design of various products. Industrial design is the creation of user-friendly products with a modern look, which includes elements of art, marketing, design and technology.
This year, contestants will work in a team using the terms of reference of the Furniture Production skill. The new contest format involves comprehensive interaction between skills, which meets the demand of the real production sector.
Within three days, teams elaborate the form, colors and technology of the facility, present sketches of their ideas, implement them using three-dimensional modeling and additive prototype processing technologies. Finalists will have to defend their projects by showing the product’s promo. The final product, which should be obtained during the work of the contestants, will correspond to the theme of the exhibition.
Future Skills is one of the WorldSkills Russia’s priority initiatives aimed at organizing people’s consistent training for new and changing technologies with a growing demand for human resourcing.

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