Date: 21 September 2007
Chiara MTP8 and Francesca FC 32M 3300 are today the most productive machines, for the glass field, ever operated.
This sentence seems to be the usual advertisement stylish slogan, but the reality of the number of units operating and the productivity obtained from the end users speaks for itself.
In a market situation where production flexibility, limited space availability, precision and quality are severe issues to solve, Forvet gives the answer with the usual brilliant and clever solutions.
At Vitrum there will be the chance to see and prove that CHIARA is really the new generation grinder, the machine able to match the need of the modern times.
Loaded with new patented systems, the machine perform BRILLIANT POLISH with CNC corner dubbing up to19mm glass thickness.
The machine features are so many and so smart that “must see” is the only real chance to comprehend. The machine is now available in 3 different sizes, 2000 x 3000 mm, 2500 x 4300mm, and 3300 x 6000mm.
Among all the advantages, the following are few samples:
*Space saver grinding machine. Overlapped to comparable traditional double edger sizes requires 1/3 of the space.
*Very fast cycle time as the four glass sides are worked simultaneously
*Low E soft coated glass handling.
*Continuous size change without set up time
*Continuous thickness change without set up time.
*Automatic wheel positioning
*Automatic wheels wear compensation
*Perfect glass squaring tolerance (even with side ratios of 1:10)
*Automatic wheels zeroing at wheel change
*CNC corner dubbing units
*Remote set up of all wheel parameters.
*Possibility to perform different kind of finish on each glass side
*Cleaner environmental impact.
*It consumes 50% of energy to run the same number of hours.
At Vitrum, Chiara 2500 MTP8 and the Francesca CNC drilling machines for different glass sizes, will be in operation.
It is an important occasion to see that Forvet has no limits in searching and realizing the best solutions for the glass industry.
Forvet Hall 13 Stand F22-h22

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