Date: 22 September 2017
The International Glass Conference will provide a scientific dialogue-discussion of consumers and producers, business people, scientists, teachers and practitioners of Russia, the CIS and foreign countries.
Speakers and participants: representatives of the State Duma, relevant ministries, the government of the subjects of the Federation, experts from consumers and their branch unions, scientists, analysts, universities, media.
Tasks - through scientific and information dialogue to understand the problems, requirements for the quality of glass products, science, education, ecology, raw materials, machinery and equipment. Show ways to solve them and eliminate existing contradictions.
Participation in the conference will give you the opportunity to find practical solutions to the issues of promoting your products to the glass markets of the Eurasian region and the far abroad.
I am confident that this conference will allow, together with overcoming professional difficulties, combining efforts on clear technological parameters, successfully developing business contacts, better understanding technical requirements and responding in a timely manner to the requests of the consumer of your products.
To participate in the Forum, it is necessary to send the completed application to the Organizing Committee by e-mail: ; tel .: (495) 411-68-40.
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