FGIA Releases Updated Fenestration Hardware Components Specification

FGIA Releases Updated Fenestration Hardware Components Specification
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Date: 4 August 2023

The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance has updated a specification covering requirements for corrosion resistant coatings on carbon steels used for hardware components in fenestration applications.

AAMA 907-23, Specification for Corrosion Resistant Coatings on Carbon Steel Components Used in Windows, Doors and Skylights, an FGIA document, is now available for purchase in the FGIA online store. This document was last updated in 2015.

“AAMA 907 is a critical hardware document that is referenced by most other codes and defines a pass/fail criteria for products tested to ASTM B 117,” said Chris Griffin (Roto Frank of America) Vice Chair of the document’s developing group, the FGIA Steel Component Corrosion Task Group. “This newest version is important because it adds back in established allowances for zinc dichromate plating, which had been removed from the previous version.”

The requirements in AAMA 907 are functional and are not intended to address aesthetics. Due to the diversity of corrosive environments that windows, doors and skylights are exposed to, this specification does not imply a specific service life. Fasteners, which are an integral part of the fenestration hardware, are included in the scope of this specification.

“This specification is referenced in many of the 900 series hardware standards,” said Dan Raap (AmesburyTruth), Chair of the developing group. “Many hardware components are zinc plated with chromates such as sliding patio door rollers.”

AAMA 907-23, as well as other documents available from FGIA, may be purchased from the online store at the discounted member rate of $20 or the non-member price of $60. The North American Fenestration Standard (NAFS), which references AAMA 907, is also available for purchase.

For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit FGIAonline.org.

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