Date: 16 September 2007
Leader in design and functionality The solutions provided by FAMATEC are recognized as points of reference for ergonomics and functionality.The ability to use a practical, functional, intuitive console combined with special attention to reducing inertia renders FAMATEC solutions one of a kind for their light weight and ease of use. Research and development of new solutions that are perfectly aligned with the needs of the user provide elevated capacity and action radius. FAMATEC constantly invests in the total satisfaction of their clients, assisting them at every moment. From the very first contact, professionalism, competence and excellent service make up the foundation for a relationship that places the client first in every circumstance. The professionalism and skill of our Customer Service Department follows the client through the phases of installation, maintenance, technical intervention requests and requests for spare parts, and provides all of the necessary tools for convenient, easy use and perfect functionality of all FAMATEC solutions
Ergonomics and functionality, together with a unique design are the key points of FAMATEC success.
The 20 years experience of FAMATEC Handling Solutions allows the company to supply versatile and reliable solutions with up-to-date design and extreme care of details.
Developing standard and well-known templates, FAMATEC Handling Solutions is able to supply applications customized on the Customer necessities.
Famatec S.p.A.
Via dell'Industria,15
38012 TAIO – TN
Tel. +39 0463461911
Fax +39 0463461955

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