Date: 18 March 2014
The exhibition is now under one roof; this will allow visitors to effectively organize their root through the exposition and will give an opportunity to find each participant of the exhibition and not to lose the desired contact.
The main emphasis of the exhibition this year is the extraordinary possibilities of glass.
Brinolli Company from Tatarstan, will demonstrate you the samples of the first batch satin-finished, patterned-frosted and deep-patterned chemically etched glass, which will be introduced to the market just before the opening of the exhibition. Modern automated glass chemical processing line from Brinolli, allows you to handle more than one million square meters of glass per year. The Brinolli's technology is the first in Russia to handle full cycle production, from creating graphic, to finished goods.
Russian flagship producer of frosted glass, «Glass-decor-1», the first enterprise of full cycle production of decorative glass in Russia, will present their innovations in the field of matting and decoration of glass using chemical etching on the stand 21С53.
VON ARDENNE, a world leading producer of equipment for industrial processes in the field of vacuum-plasma and electron-beam technologies. The key competence of the company lies in the area of thin-film technology for photovoltaic and architectural glass, electron-beam technologies, scientific research and design developments, which will be presented to your attention at the stand 21B44.
M-Techno will present their developments in technologies of manufacturing of jellied stained-glass, machines for glass processing and technology, manufacture of goods for interior decoration, visit their stand 22D30.
The developments of RuSail Company in «Warm edge technology» on the stand 22С51 will be of the great interest. Low-emission, multifunctional, solar-control glass from SALAVATSTEKLO on stand 21D62. «Teply dom of glass» (Heat effective glass), the newest technologies of glass usage in architecture, magnetron sputtering systems and technologies of energy-saving coating application for architectural glass will be demonstrated by Leybold Company.
Ferro Company (21D30), Deagle Design (21А25), Palina Coatings (21С10) will present their new developments of latest technologies and materials for decoration of glass, including printed glass, widely used in the interior will be presented by the company Elekon " (22Е33), Tekhnografika (22Е25) and Vremena Goda (22D25). Company Kami (22E10) will present their technologies in the processing of raw materials and finished products.
In 2014, we are pleased to announce that ArtGlass returned to the exhibition!
This and much more at the exhibition «Mir Stekla 2014»!
Take your chance!
For effective growth of your business take part in the most important industry event in Russia!
Submit your applications till April 15, 2014.
Save the exhibition dates on Your calendar: 4-6 June 2014, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Pav.2
Detailed information and conditions of participation find out from our managers:
Razoumeitsevа Ekaterina Afanasyeva Vera Phone:+7(499)795-2657 Phone:+7(499)795-25-09 Visit our web site:

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