Date: 11 July 2005
The excellent evaluations of our two top products Super Spacer® and TriSeal by the Fraunhofer Institute represent a further milestone in the triumphal progress of Edgetech technology in Europe, comments Torsten Keemss, General Manager, Edgetech Europe GmbH. The calculations of the Fraunhofer Institute are based on typical usage scenarios for the Super Spacer® and TriSeal spacers for conventional and structured glazing.Tests were carried out on twelve versions with four different edge seals and three different types of window.First class heat transfer coefficients, unparalleled on the rest of the market, were achieved in all the tests. The Super Spacer® Premium in a wooden window with 5 mm hot melt butyl achieved a value of 0.029 W/mK, for example, the TriSeal achieved a value of 0.030 W/mK with 4 mm PU.
The results in detail
Super Spacer® Premium, 5 mm HMB:
Plastic window:0.032 W/mK
Wooden window: 0.029 W/mK
Aluminum window: 0.035 W/mK
Super Spacer® Premium, 6.5 mm PU:
Plastic window: 0.035 W/mK
Wooden window: 0.032 W/mK
Aluminum window: 0.041 W/mK
TriSeal, 4 mm PU:
Plastic window: 0.033 W/mK
Wooden window: 0.030 W/mK
Aluminum window: 0.038 W/mK
TriSeal, 4 mm SI:
Plastic window: 0.035 W/mK
Wooden window: 0.032 W/mK
Aluminum window: 0.041 W/mK
Torsten Keemss: We deliberately chose to work with the Fraunhofer Institute for window installations as these are closest to the normal setup in practice and thus more representative. These results are extremely valuable for our customers, as they show that Edgetech products produce excellent results and can make use of this strength in practice. Further certifications for setups orientated especially to the Eastern European market and triple glazing according to the Passive House standard are planned for this summer.
The complete test report from the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics is available from Edgetech Europe.

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