Date: 19 November 2009
Climate Action Partnership (USCAP) Clean Technology Showcase on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., recently.
Targeted for U.S. Congressional and their staffs, the event highlighted dozens of new technologies, products and services that are expected to thrive following U.S. Senate action on climate and energy legislation that is under consideration this fall.
"Environmentally effective and economically sustainable climate legislation will encourage markets to turn increasingly to greater energy efficiency, low-carbon energy forms and bio-based products,” said Michael Parr, DuPont Government Affairs manager. “This legislation will accelerate development and deployment of technologies critical to a low carbon economy. Several companies shared examples of real business opportunities and areas where the U.S. can lead in the transformation to a low carbon economy."
USCAP is a coalition of leading industry and non-government organizations that share a common goal of supporting environmentally effective and economically sustainable climate legislation. Formed more than two years ago, the group has been working with the U.S. Congress and the Obama Administration to enact such legislation.
Other organizations participating in the Clean Technology Showcase included Dow, Duke Energy, General Electric, NRG and the Pew Environmental Center.

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