Date: 22 April 2014
Coprocess is delighted to announce that Belron SA ( the world's largest vehicle glass repair and replacement (VGRR) Group has chosen Coprocess.
Netting as their worldwide multilateral netting solution.
Belron wanted to improve the current intercompany settlement process. Treasury built a business case and conducted research into possible solution alternatives and netting providers. Belron issued a Request For Proposal (RFP) in November 2013. Coprocess submitted a proposal and presented this in December 2013 to various stakeholders in the selection team led by Lisa Stone, Group Treasurer. The team included members of the Treasury team, Information Technology and the subsidiary companies. Coprocess was rated highly.
Read more at: releases/Coprocess/Belron_new_client_release/prweb11723634.htm
Belron Selects Coprocess Multilateral Netting Software 
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