Analysis of the production and consumption of flat glass in the glass market Russia

Date: 21 February 2014

In 2013, Russia produced 12 flat glass factories, including 2 factories produce glass by vertical stretching - Fourcault technology and 10 factories producing polished glass to float lines.

Two plants produce flat glass - tinted, glass mastered the production of this two mentioned above, technology.Of the 12 Russian enterprises owned 5 factories transnational corporations.

Since 2000, almost all the factories gone technological reconstruction using the latest scientific advances in the glass industry.

Glass manufacturing market determines the consumer, however, the task of the manufacturer - to meet consumers' demands in quality and price their products. According to analysts' StekloSouz "glassworks Russia successfully cope with their tasks, which is characterized by a sharp increase in the production of evidence: in 2000 - 86 million m2 in 2010, 195 million and 225 million m2 m2 produced in 2013 year. All products are produced in strict compliance with the applicable State standards and verified by State Supervision Service. As you know, currently Russian and European standards largely standardized.

Consumer demand in the construction market are the following types of construction of flat glass:

- Window, display, polished, mirror - tempered, reinforced, safe, armored, fire-proof, bulletproof,

- energy, solar, noise absorbing, solntsereguliruyuschee, frosted, Curved, Low-E, laminated

- glass with a film coating tinted with coated, K-glass, E-glass, colored, patterned, decorative.

However, it should be noted that out - for lack of a modern legal framework for the use of energy efficient technologies in the construction of buildings and structures, used in construction of low-emission glass unfairly underestimated. However, work on changing the existing legislation initiated in conjunction with the Institute for Building Physics. More detail with your "StekloSouz" Russia and the Institute for Building Physics can be found in a joint article published in the October issue of "Glass and Ceramics". I am confident that work on changing the legal field will bear results and Russia will build energy-efficient buildings and structures that will dramatically increase the production of special glass. However, in 2013, began to use the increased attention of self-cleaning glass.

The volume of the Russian market in 2013 was approximately 250 million m2 of glass, including 225 million m2 produced by Russian glassmaking factories.

Else glass - imported: about 12-15 million m2 delivered from Belarus, 10-12 million m2 from China and Iran, and the rest comes from the glass of the CIS countries.

The main suppliers of special glasses are Russian and Western European manufacturers.

Russian producers and major players in the Russian glass market are the following companies: JSC "Salavatsteklo", JSC "Saratovstroisteklo" AGC, Guardian, Pilkington, and others, tinted glass supply of "Saratov Institute of Glass" and OAO "Star Glass" .

Among the CIS countries are the main suppliers of "Gomelsteklo" (Belarus), JSC "Interglass" (Kyrgyzstan), JSC "Quartz" (Uzbekistan) and to stop the reconstruction of JSC "Lisichanskiy Glass" Proletariat "(Ukraine).

Major role in establishing pricing policy in the Russian market play Russian companies, however, according to experts in 2014 will increase the impact on prices from the Western European companies that will be in Russia 6 large glass-float plants.

In 2013, Russia launched a production of "Caspian Glassworks", Guardian (Rostov). Build plant known multinationals SISECAM and Saint-Gobain, the company will be put into operation in 2014. The total production in the first stage will be approximately 20 million m2 of flat polished glass.

At the same time, greater activity in the Russian glass market showing strong Russian players. One of the main causes of business activity of foreign investors in our country is growing consumer demand for glass. The benefits of building glass factories in Russia and other obvious reasons: international economic relations have become a tool of redistribution of resources and increase production efficiency on a global scale by reducing production costs. The most expensive production transferred to countries with the most cheap natural resources, labor and ensuring minimum tax, environmental and transportation costs.

It is assumed that in 2014 - 2015 years of Russian investors will lay the first stones in the symbolic construction of at least two plants for the production of glass polished flat glass.

Decrees of the President performing VV Putin, obliging the State to take into operation by 2020 of 140 million m2 area of ​​housing, the market will require 500 million m2 of flat glass. Starting from 2016, Russia will produce 300 million m2 of flat glass, the index of the USSR in 1985.

October 30, 2013 at the industry forum "Glass and modern technologies-XXI", within the 12-th International specialized exhibition "GlassExpo - 2013" in Moscow, the forum participants were considered in detail questions about the problems and prospects of production of flat glass in Russia in the period up to 2020, and the implications for the glass industry since 2017, in the framework of the agreement signed by Russia with our entry into the WTO. In particular, the speakers noted that today, the Russian glass industry operates in a global competition on the world market. Therefore, the most important area of ​​the state industrial policy for the glass industry at the present stage is to create the general conditions for companies in the industry that would meet the conditions of development in the countries - the largest participants in the global glass market. In the context of this task, ensuring the competitiveness of Russian glass industry in the global market requires the implementation of a number of innovative measures in the field of energy and technological upgrading. State in the new environment of global competition should encourage scientific and technological progress. Assume the functions of the regulator responsible for innovative economic development: differential tax reduction, to provide tax breaks to subsidize interest rates for businesses, introducing new technologies, applying modern equipment and licenses. For the development of industrial exports, companies must provide for changes in the customs and tariff policy, as well as the adoption of certain laws on foreign trade.

The second important area of ​​the state in relation to the glass industry should be a program of special measures aimed at stimulating their own producers: the restoration of privileges on profit on capital construction, removal of VAT on advance payments, acceleration of VAT refunds on exports, encouraging enterprises and the expansion of domestic demand for import replacing products , tax promoting innovation in production and in the process of restructuring. And most importantly - a mutually beneficial investment of financial resources in a highly profitable sector of the economy, at least 2.0-3.5 billion U.S. dollars for the development of the domestic glass industry in Russia.

As mentioned above, the market of glass production in Russia has increased steadily since 2000, the glass industry for more than 2-fold increased its own production. The plan drawn up in 2020 an ambitious new strip: to increase the volume of progress in two or more times. Manufacture of flat glass of the total is about 25%, the rest of the tare mass of commodities, medical, engineering, optics, lighting glass and other glass products. For example, under the decree of the President of Russia № 598 must already by 2019 to increase the production of medical glass more than doubled.

V. Osipov  President of "StekloSouz"

600450 Analysis of the production and consumption of flat glass in the glass market Russia

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