Date: 28 March 2008
This book provides an interpretation of the 2006 International Building Code The Americas Glass Association is pleased to announce that the latest edition of the Source® will be available as of April 14, 2008.
The Source® provides in-depth information about the 2006 International Building Code. On January 1, 2008, California officially adopted the 2006 International Building Code, bringing more than 50 percent of the country under the 2006 code. Donn Harter, Americas Glass Association president and technical director, provides an interpretation of the code to assist glazing contractors in better understanding how to keep their projects within compliance of the code.
For more information, or to request a copy, contact the Americas Glass Association at (877) ASK-AGA1 (275-2421) or You can also order a copy from the website at
The Americas Glass Association
Americas Glass Association Releases 2006 Edition of The Source® 
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