Date: 21 June 2016
Aldo Faccenda (Bottero SpA) was elected the new President and will take over from Cinzia Schiatti (Schiatti Angelo Officina Meccanica srl).Michele Gusti (OCMI-OTG SpA), who was confirmed as President of the Hollow Glass Section and Dino Zandonella Necca (ADI SpA), who was confirmed President of the Accessories Section, were called to assist President Faccenda.
Along with the new President, the Board of Directors was elected for a new term and is now composed of Barbara Antonini (Antonini srl), Federica Bovone (Elettromeccanica Bovone srl), Nicola Lattuada (Adelio Lattuada srl), Angelo Lovati (Lovati F.lli srl), Nancy Mammaro (Mappi International srl), Barbara Mazza (Cugher Glass srl), Michela Pezza (Fratelli Pezza srl), and Matteo Rolla (Neptun srl).
“There was a very active participation in the meeting which led to the election of a Board of Directors that is widely representative of all the main areas of the sector: flat glass, hollow glass and accessories” – stated Aldo Faccenda, HR Director at Bottero SpA and the new GIMAV President – “I am certain that this can be an excellent starting point.
Our aim is to continue with the development process that we started a few months ago, in terms of the association’s visibility and activities. GIMAV must continue to grow, by welcoming all of Italy’s star players in this sector, to strengthen its weight on the domestic and international markets and to be universally recognized as a global player for all the glass trade worldwide.”

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