I am looking for a glass marking tool that puts the VIN number on auto glass like they do on some Toyotas. I don't want the acid etching cream or the sandblasting type. What im looking for is very different, it almost looks like it is engraved. I am asked from time to time to replace a VIN number on a car and when the other windows already have this type of marking there I can't use the ecth cream vecause its looks so different. I have searched everwhere I know but have come up empty. Please help Gary.
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Dear Sir
I noted your request for information on glass etching. Our comnpany specialised in glass marking for the automotive industry. We can supply everything from Stencil and a very safe etching fluid that does not require any speacial handling or the need to wear any protective clothing to laser etching. All the above can produce marks to your specific requirements.
Please reply to my email if you would like further information.