Date: 10 January 2023
In order to support others, especially young women, in their choice of profession and to be a role model for them, Anita Gmeiner, the talent scout of the Handwerkskammer Niederbayern-Oberpfalz, wants to provide gender-sensitive career guidance. BR television took this as an opportunity to film a report on the topic of "Women for the Craft sector" at HORN Glass Industries AG in Ploessberg and at the FOSBOS Weiden as part of a workshop.
Milena Krassler, apprentice as a metalworker specialising in construction technology in the 2nd year of her apprenticeship, talks about her everyday life during her apprenticeship at HORN Glass Industries AG. Together with her colleague René Wettinger and trainer Reinhard Götz, she gave insights into her apprenticeship at her workplace. At the technical secondary school, she shows the students various workpieces and tools that she learns about and makes herself in her training and everyday work. Crafts are always needed, so Milena recommends a practical training to get started. It is important to dare and not let anyone stop you.
We are proud of Milena and hope that her example will encourage many other young women to aspire to a career in the crafts.
The programme was broadcast on Sunday, 8 January at 5:45 p.m. on the BR programme "Schwaben + Altbayern" and can also be viewed in the BR Mediathek under this link.

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