Date: 29 October 2004
The habitat houses trees from the region, such as mezquites, ebony trees, white stick and huisaches, as well as animals such as magpies, pigeons, swallows, butterflies, hummingbirds, turtles, skunks and opossums.
The WHC is a nonprofit, non-lobbying group of corporations, conservation organizations and individuals dedicated to protecting and enhancing wildlife habitats. Created in 1988, WHC helps companies manage their land in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife. Being re-certified by the WHC council confirms that Visteon Carplastic has fulfilled WHC worldwide standards, as developed by expert biologists on environmental care.
"Protecting the environment and adding value to the community is central to what Visteon is all about, and the efforts of Visteon's Carplastic Plant employees have continued to be outstanding," said Lazaro Torres, environmental engineer. "As a Tier 1 automotive supplier, Visteon has been a leading proponent of environmental responsibility by managing material and energy use and emissions associated with the product manufacturing process; creating products and technologies that improve fuel economy and help reduce emissions; and designing components that minimize waste and landfill."
Visteon's Carplastic operation has three locations: Monterrey, N.L., Hermosillo, Son., and Cuautitlan, Edo. de Mex. It specializes in the production and delivery of plastic components and systems for the auto industry, such as instrument panels, consoles, lamps, radiator grills and fuel tanks. It began operations in 1982 and employs around 1,600 people.
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