Date: 27 August 2014
VISTAMATIC’s black and white vinyl graphic options can be applied to almost any VISTAMATIC Vision Panel to provide a complete ‘black-out’ against light transmittance into an open space, therefore allowing facilities to enhance patient privacy and care."right" width="200" height="150" alt="" src="/UserFiles/1(960).jpg" />Ideal for healthcare environments that cater towards patient well-being in regards to sleep studies or improved sleep environments where artificial lighting can interfere with patients’ sleep comfort. Providing the black and white vinyl graphic options that can restrict lighting into a space, while also allowing the ability to observe, is crucial for patient comfort as well as patient and staff safety.
“Artificial light after dark can send wake-up messages to the brain, suppressing the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and making it harder to to fall asleep and stay asleep. In fact, a recent study showed that even bright room light could have this chemical effect…” According to the National Sleep Foundation.
View the Light Transmittance Report

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