Date: 1 July 2014
The Piazza Candiani, a project by Filippo Caprioglio, is a new type of cultural multiplex which consists of a cinema, library and multiple other culture event venues.The new building which has been created based on private-public partnership with the goal of revitalising the city centre, is a part of a wider complex of Centro Culturale Candiani which is one of the main culture centres of Venice.
Valmiera Glass UK Ltd Atex® textile used in culture centre in Venice
The outer layer of the Piazza Candiani has been created with the Atex® 3000 architecture membrane with an area of more than 1200 m2. The outer layer is lighted with different colours of light thereby creating a more dynamic design and thus merging with the antique atmosphere of the city.
The production of our subsidiary company Valmiera Glass UK Ltd is compliant with the current global market demands, while depicting the technological breakthroughs of the modern technology in architecture. Such a significant cultural structure in the heart of Venice built using our production definitely is a great success and confirms the high quality of our product.
Atex® membranes are used in the projects by the leading world class architects and are recognized for their high glass-fibre product quality. With this project JSC “Valmieras stikla šķiedra” continues strengthening the positions in the world of architecture materials. Some of the latest projects where Atex® textile membranes are used include such world-class projects as the new Heatrow airport terminal, multifunctional arena Zénith de Strasbourg in France, Shanghai Expo exhibition hall in China.
Atex® (Architectural Textile) is a durable, light weight; fire retardant textile product coated with silicon and is widely used in architecture. The fabric is used for creation of lightweight membranes to be integrated in roof coverings, canopies and awnings, facade covers, ceiling constructions as well as interior design and has been used for multiple other purposes. The Atex® material available in variety of colours, it is easy to clean with an estimated lifespan of more than 25 years.

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