Date: 31 July 2014
The United Kingdom flat glass manufacturing market produces float, rolled, drawn and blown flat glass sheets that are sold to downstream industries for further fabrication or to end users in the building market.The wide variety of uses for glass has made it an important input in many other industries.The two most significant downstream industries for flat glass manufacturers are construction and automobile manufacturing. As both of these industries are highly cyclical, flat glass manufacturers have not performed particularly well over the five years through 2013-14. Over the period, revenue is estimated to grow at a compound annual rate of just 1.1%. In the current year, it is projected to fall by 4.8% to £316 million. This has been the result of construction and automobile manufacturing activity declining after the onset of recession in 2008-09. Both markets have largely stagnated since, except when construction briefly rebounded in 2009-10.

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