Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade

Date: 7 June 2024
Source: Tvitec
Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade
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Date: 7 June 2024

The TC obtained by Rocalux® indicates that it meets all the requirements of the Technical Building Code (CTE), ensuring the quality and safety of this versatile and novel product.

Rocalux® combines the strength and durability of glass with the ability to adopt textures and hues characteristic of traditional construction materials, such as natural stone, allowing customers to customize their designs with unique surface finishes.

Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade

Requirements Evaluated by Tecnalia:

  • Mechanical resistance and stability
  • Fire safety
  • Hygiene, health, and environment
  • Safety of use
  • Noise protection
  • Energy saving

Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade

Additionally, the TC considers the “durability” of the product and the manufacturer’s commitment to production self-control and technical assistance in installation. Tecnalia subjects products to rigorous tests and periodic audits to ensure optimal manufacturing conditions are maintained.

Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade

Tecnalia, as an authorized body, evaluates the technical suitability of innovative construction products and systems, ensuring their compliance with the technical requirements demanded by the CTE.

This process includes the evaluation of compliance with technical and performance requirements, durability, installation, and maintenance of production self-control.

600450 Tvitec has obtained the Technical Conformity by Tecnalia for its innovative ROCALUX Ventilated Facade

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