Date: 10 February 2014
The G-Awards judges decided that SGG UK’s ‘MKT2’ (Manufacturing Knowhow through Transfer & Training) online training system, designed specifically for the company, was a worthy winner.Although it is used throughout Saint-Gobain Glass’ 36 glass plants across the world, the UK plant in Eggborough is the leader of the project with its modules used as templates worldwide.
The MKT2 program allows flexibility for the company’s operators and its continuous improvement philosophy is what sets it apart from other training programs. The company’s people train monthly enabling operational insight to be quickly shared across all shifts. Evaluations and feedback are a key part of the learning cycle as they can check knowledge retention and identify training gaps. Evaluations are built into MKT2 as all operators take an ‘Initial evaluation’ before starting training on a new skill and once finished training, they retake this evaluation.
“Our MKT2 program is totally unique,” explained Craig Dodsworth, Head of Marketing for Saint-Gobain Glass UK. “The fact that it is a continuous improvement program combining eLearning with field and one-to-one training, and catering to all learning methodologies, makes it stand out from the rest. All training is undertaken in house and all training content is created and validated on site.”
“MKT2 has huge potential and we look forward to expanding and improving it in the years to come through all departments.”
Ensuring individuals are suitably qualified to perform, and given the opportunity to improve and progress is a must in today’s competitive business environment. The MKT2 program and its continuous improvement is one of many reasons behind a strong operating performance for SGG UK in 2013.

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