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| FGIA has updated a technical information report determining design wind loads on exterior fenestration and cladding systems.
| ift Rosenheim has decided to set up a new laboratory in Rosenheim on 1,440 m² for the testing of building acoustic properties as well as air permeability/ watertightness, wind load, impact resistance, earthquake resistance and alternating climate…
| SMARTIA M7 is an excellent solution for curtain walls of high aesthetics with outstanding performance.
| The student accommodation building was fitted with over 500 Liniar Tilt and Turn windows in popular 7016 Anthracite Grey.
| 300 meters, high wind loads, extreme safety? sedak's glass offers the solution.
| The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has released AAMA TIR-15-14, “Overview of Design Wind Load Determination for Fenestration Systems.
| The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) recently published a document that recommends static water penetration resistance test pressures for non-hurricane-prone U.
| McCormick Place serves as the 2010 venue for the U.S. Green Building Council’s (USGBC’s) annual Greenbuild conference.