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197 results
| Jolene Hu from Sparklike China had an opportunity to interview one of Sparklike customer, Jiangsu Jiacheng Special Glass Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
| To be able to provide top quality glass to their customers, Szkłoland purchased Sparklike Laser Portable to monitor and measure the insulating gas concentration levels.
| How Isophon Successfully Implemented an Automated Insulating Gas Measurement System to Their IG-line
| Measuring the gas concentration of insulating glasses has become more important than ever as it contributes to the energy efficiency of the insulating glass.
| 20 years of safe infrared temperature measurement
| Inagas has launched its Day Testing Services to help its customers meet the increasing demands of legislative changes and quality scrutiny in the Insulated Glass Unit industry.
| Sparklike is the industry leader of non-destructive insulating gas measurement with devices that are developed and manufactured in Helsinki, Finland.
| Measuring gas concentration of IGUs – How to make it more cost-effective and easier?
| Sparklike and Covadis join forces to grow business in France.
| Elegant I.G signs distribution agreement with Sparklike.
| Measuring insulating glass units gas concentration is important since gas fill plays a significant role in thermal performance.
| Complete metrology scanner after furnace exit: Rollerwave, Edge Kink, Anisotropy, White Haze, Scratches and Coating defects.
| Inagas is delighted to announce that they are now the official distributor in the UK & Ireland for Sparklike.
| Featuring the only optical technology that measures all forms of distortion.
| FAKRO in Poland takes their Insulating Glass quality to the next level by measuring insulating gas concentration with the Sparklike Laser Portable 2.0.
| How can infrared temperature measurement help your company to improve quality and process controls the glass tempering process?
| Read the interview that Softsolution's partner, Juha Karisola, made with FSG after the installation of LiteSentry's Osprey® inspection systems.
| Mr. Atte Kuusisto has been chosen to succeed Jukka Manner.
| Sparklike company and product information
| Quality - Automation - Optimization! These requirements are the top priority at PRESS GLASS.