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| As early as next month, Wichita residents may have a new place to take their empty cereal boxes, milk jugs, old newspapers and glass bottles.
| New York City may not meet its July 2004 deadline for bringing back glass recycling, city officials said yesterday.The city suspended the recycling of glass and plastics in July as a budget-cutting measure, leaving only paper and metal recycling in…
| A one-year WRAP funded project aims to help increase glass recycling. BRE-led research will assess the recycling opportunities for non-contaminated, high-grade flat glass and non-contaminated timber and plastic profiles from the demolition and…
| Staffordshire University is pioneering a method of recycling crushed glass from bottle banks into outdoor flooring tiles.
| Asahi Glass Company (AGC) has announced an automotive glass recycling test initiative that begins next March and will lead to a full-scale program in 2004.