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| The Company's Flat Glass Factory located in Cikampek with a capacity of 210,000 tons per year has been commercially operated in December 2016.
| AGC announces that it will invest approximately 19 billion yen to relocate a float furnace and mirror manufacturing facility from the Jakarta Plant to the Cikampek Plant of PT Asahimas Flat Glass, Tbk.
| The NSG Group announces its decision to repair the float glass furnace at the Ottawa plant in Illinois, the U.S. as follows.
| On April 28, the signing ceremony of the export contract between CTIEC and Ghani Glass Limited from Pakistan on the complete sets of equipment adopted in the cold repair and reconstruction project of its 450t/d float glass production line was held…
| PaneraTech has successfully demonstrated measurement of of a furnace bottom in a blind trial on a float line furnace.
| It is estimated that the JSC "Caspian float glass plant" in the near future may become a leader in the production of glass in the south of Russia, occupying about 12 percent of the glass manufacturing market.
| Guardian Glass recently welcomed more than 200 guests to a community and customer celebration at its Rayong, Thailand float glass plant.
| This reflects company’s confidence in the region and increasing demand for its glass products.
| The NSG Group announces its decision to restart a float glass furnace in Europe in FY2018.
| Euroglas is investing in an additional floatline at the existing plant in Ujazd.
| In the Fuyao float glass plant Mount Zion in Illinois (USA), handling equipment and cutting and stacking systems from Grenzebach guarantee 24/7 operation.
| PT Asahimas Flat Glass Tbk announces the heating-up of its new Float Glass Factory in Cikampek with 210,000 ton production capacity p.a.
| Responding to growing needs for energy-saving buildings in Southeast Asia.
| With an offer of 90M euros, Sisecam won against Guardian
| HyGear today announced the signing of a long term contract with Saint-Gobain (SGO.PA), one of the world’s largest manufacturers of flat glass, to supply its float line in Arboc, Spain with hydrogen through on-site generation.
| HyGear has successfully installed its hydrogen generation technology at the location of Düzce Cam in Düzce, Turkey. HyGear will supply the new float glass production line with high purity hydrogen by its on-site Hy.
| Among the highlights that Grenzebach will be presenting at this year’s show, are a specifically for thin glass designed cutting head applying constant pressure onto the glass as well as an Automated Guided Vehicle for the distribution of packed…
| Reconstruct its float line, the company intends to apply her methods of glass processing, has not been used in any plant in the world.
| AGC Glass Europe has announced plans to carry out the cold repair of its Cuneo float glass line in Cuneo (Piedmont, Italy).
| This investment will increase AGC’s glass production capacity in Brazil to 2.4 times the current level