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| Weekly updates on a range of subjects to help fabricators improve what they do while also building on to their bottom lines. Virtual Open Houses and Live Demos available for all lines for immediate access.
| Cutting thick safety glass without compromising on cycle times can be quite a challenge, especially if the glass is thicker than 19mm and has a curved shape.
| VITROCHAVES talks about customer orientation, the importance of reliable solutions, and 40 years of growing together with LiSEC.
| The partnership between Kong Weng Glass from Malaysia and LiSEC has existed for many years and is characterized by mutual trust, good communication and openness to each other's needs.
| How CMS revolutionizes interior design with advanced glass fabrication
| CVGLASS has recently invested in new TUROMAS cutting machines to meet the growing demand for glass.
| The CNC industry changed the glass industry, and it’s continuing to expand what’s possible with this unique material. CMS is proud to be at the forefront of these innovations.
| Upgrade with great added value: The systron face-to-face setup plus storage systems significantly increase Arbonia's efficiency
| A decades-long partnership of quality and innovation in the Chilean glass industry
| Fully automatic sub-plate and trim breaking (X-Y-Z)
| At the Turomas booth at Vitrum, the company presents the audience with the most cutting-edge innovations in technology for glass storage, cutting, and loading.
| TUROMAS’ innovative ACR decoats different protective plastics and resins that require removal during glass-cutting.
| The new software has been specifically developed to streamline the management of both vertical machines and the latest CMS cutting tables.
| 70+ students learn to cut and seam glass
| Üveg has entrusted TUROMAS as supplier of the equipment for its new plant in Cordoba: two automatic glass cutting lines and a new storage system for jumbo glass with scraps manager.
| Several participants at the FGIA Summer Conference had the unique opportunity to learn proper techniques for both cutting and washing glass in a hands-on workshop in Vancouver, BC.
| With the machines and software solutions from LiSEC, it is possible to cover the entire process chain of flat glass processing from loading to data analysis with just one manufacturer.
| The latest LiSEC float cutting technology went into operation at Arbonia Glassysteme GmbH in Deggendorf in February 2023.
| The new technology, which has been part of the ProLam LSR series equipment for just under three years, promises four advantages.
| Business success through integrated solutions