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| This week, we continue with 4 videos from the Tempering & Preprocessing session.
| According to Michael Gleeson, Executive Director of Glassworks, he felt the investment in the FC Series as a good move to be able to respond to the increasing trend in Australia for more coated glass.
| Glaston Siru App is updated - now available in ANSI version as well. Update your application in your app store.
| Notice is given to the shareholders of Glaston Corporation of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday, 2 April 2020 at 2.00 p.m. in Kasarmin Salit, Kasarmikatu 21 b, FI-00130 Helsinki, Finland.
| This week, we continue with 4 videos from the Coatings Technology & Applications session.
| Mr Jukka Manner has been appointed as Sparklike´s new CEO starting March 2, 2020.
| This week, we move to a new topic with 3 videos from the Coatings Technology & Applications session.
| Glaston Group has closed a deal for a FC Series™ flat glass tempering line with a leading glass fabricator in North America.
| This week, we move to a new topic with 2 videos from the Glass Technology Applications session.
| The Board of Directors of Glaston Corporation has resolved to continue its share-based incentive plan for the Group key employees.
| Good profitability development in fourth quarter ends historic year
| This week, we would love to share with you the final 3 videos from Facade Engineering session.
| Glaston Group has received an order for a high-speed TPS® insulating glass line from one of the world's largest manufacturers of roof windows, VELUX.
| This week, we would love to share with you the next 3 videos from Facade Engineering session.
| Glaston Corporation will publish its January−December 2019 Financial Statements Bulletin on Tuesday, 11 February, 2020 at around 13.00 p.m.
| The Nomination Board of Glaston Corporation proposes to the Annual General Meeting, due to be held on 2 April 2020.
| This week, we would love to share with you the first 3 videos from Facade Engineering session.
| Sparklike Handheld™ and Sparklike Laser™ devices has become the de facto world standard for gas fill measurement of IGUs.
| Sparklike offers its customers an all-inclusive calibration and maintenance service.
| This week, we would love to share with you the last 3 videos from Research & Development session.