Date: 13 October 2014
The batch plant has a daily capacity of 400 tons and enables Nampak to increase their container glass production considerably.
Aside from silo feeding and batch plant, Zippe received the order for a batch preheater with a capacity of 400 tons per day, the first of its kind on the African continent. It will remarkably contribute to saving energy and increase efficiency in the whole plant.
ZIPPE supplies „Plant-wide Automation“ with PCS7
As process control system PCS7 is being deployed. The concept of “Plant-wide automation” (PWA), which means that several plant areas are integrated into one superior system, has been realized here.
The control sectors batch house, batch preheating and furnace have merged to one overall project.
Two independent servers allow high-availability of automatic operation and are an integral part of the process control system at the same time.
ZIPPE Industrieanlagen has been a certified, long-term Siemens PCS7 solution partner and has already supplied more than 20 batch plants with PCS7. Apart from projecting control systems, ZIPPE is also able to implement the coordination of the PWA concept as system integrator.

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