Date: 17 January 2014
Burners for Gas, Oil, Dual fire for Underport- and Gas for Sideport configuration Merging FlammaTec and STG burner types enlarges the range of products for typical fields of application: Underport Gas injector Type FreeJet or FlexUnderport Gas- and Oil Dual injector Typ FreeJet or FlexUnderport Gas injector with Oil Backup Type FreeJet or FlexUnderport Oil injector Sideport Gas injectorAnyway it will be still possible to purchase burners via STG.For further information please see FlammaTec homepage .
We kindly ask for your understanding in case you should find any obsolete information on burners browsing the STG pages. We strive to update our homepage contents as soon as possible.
Please find here the contact data of both companies:
FlammaTec Germany GmbH
Kiekebuscher Weg 14
03050 Cottbus
email to:
Tel: +49 (0)355 / 590 201 8
Fax:+49 (0)355 / 541 124
FlammaTec, spol. s r.o.
Rokytnice 60
755 01 Vsetín
Czech Republic
email to:
Tel: +42 (0)571 498 566
Fax:+42 (0)571 498 599

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