Date: 10 September 2014
Also known as privacy glass or intelligent glass, electronically switchable glass is a high quality, multi-purpose product that can be used in a variety of different contexts and industries. SmartGlass International are the manufacturers of a constantly expanding range of innovative glass products.Two of our most famous products are Privacy Smartglass and Solar Smartglass both offers privacy on demand.
Why Use Privacy Switchable Glass:
As manufacturers of smart glass products, we create added value and increased flexibility when designing new buildings, working environments and homes. Our products generate innovative design opportunities never before available while offering unprecedented environmental benefits and protection to building inhabitants and their contents.
Through extensive investment in research and development SmartGlass International continually pushes the boundaries to bring new and innovative products to its customers.
Why Use SmartGlass International:
SmartGlass International has invested heavily in plants and machinery in order to become the type of glass manufacturer that has the capacity to fulfil large orders in short lead times. As a result, each piece of glass that we manufacture is designed to meet and exceed all of our clients’ highest expectations.
With a no compromise attitude to quality, SmartGlass International has been able to build a reputation for creating products and experiences of real and lasting value. Around the world, we are known for being manufacturers of glass products that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also highly functional and easy to use.
Our skilled design team work with our clients and their architects in order to guarantee the products supplied are fit for purpose and are optimally designed in terms of quality, regulatory compliance, safety, aesthetics and function.
To put us to the test or to find more information about our products, click here.

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