Date: 12 November 2024
In this period, consolidated net sales reached 136 billion TL. International sales, representing the sum of exports from Türkiye and sales from production facilities outside Türkiye, accounted for 59 percent of total sales. Total investment in the first nine months reached 18.6 billion TL, while exports amounted to 730 million USD. During this period, Şişecam produced 4.2 million tons of glass, 3.5 million tons of soda ash, and 2.8 million tons of industrial raw materials.
Şişecam CEO Gorkem Elverici shared the following statement regarding the financial results:
“In light of ongoing uncertainties within our operating sectors and economic fluctuations, our sales revenue and profitability targets have been impacted. In response to these challenges, we have maintained steady control of our operations, adapting our strategies as needed to remain aligned with our long-term objectives. During this period, we are prioritizing financial and operational efficiency, with a strong focus on budget control as a key area of emphasis.
Founded just four years before World War II, Şişecam has faced numerous challenges over its 89-year history and has consistently emerged stronger from each one. The countless crises we have experienced have strengthened our resilience and our ability to cope with extremely rapid and volatile fluctuations. We have learned to take strategic steps and adapt quickly to changing conditions. Today, with this experience and the same determination, we are fully committed to managing evolving conditions with steadfast focus.
While effectively managing today’s conditions, we also recognize the importance of preparing for the future. With this approach, we continue to take strategic steps focused on sustainability and digitalization. To shape the future of glass production technologies, Şişecam introduced the “Plant of the Future” platform. Through this open innovation-based platform, we aim to create a “service model,” which we plan to expand across our portfolio, starting with the soda ash industry, where we rank among the top three global producers. This platform will seek not best in class practices but next in class solutions.
Şişecam remains dedicated to creating value for all stakeholders, strengthening resilience in times of uncertainty and crisis, and staying focused on its long-term goals. Empowered by our 89-year legacy, we are committed to advancing our journey of growth with unwavering determination.”

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