Date: 8 September 2011
PLEASE JOIN US for a seminar on "A Perspective on Solving Today’s Fabrication Business Challenges"Date: September 13, 2011Time: 12:00 pm to 4:00 pmWhere: Hotel des Seigneurs, 1200, rue Johnson Saint-Hyacinthe, QC, J2S 7K7Room: Calixa-LavaléeTel: 450-774-3810 Complimentary refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Register via e-mail at or contact Frank Arteaga at 800-247-3332.
When you RSVP, please include the number of people planning to attend and location of event.
Presenter: Vincent Meillet, Regional Sales Manager, Bystronic Inc.
We are in a Period of Uncertainty
- Uncertainty in the economy
- Uncertainty with government policy direction (i.e. healthcare, taxes, long term investment support)
- Uncertainty with material prices and energy costs
- Filling the void when experience walks out the door
- Uncertainty with new technologies (e.g. Is fiber or CO2 better for your application)
It’s Time to do More with Less
- Less People
- Less Material and Energy
- Less Talent
- Less Experience
A Look at The Solutions
File to Part
- Integration: Software, Laser, Brake, Automation
- Looking at the soft costs (programming, setup)
- Reduction in materials and energy costs
- Reducing cost per part
Xpert Press Brake
- Reduced setup time
- Material utilization
- Ease of operation
Fiber or CO2?
- Technology and cost benefits of Fiber
- Where does CO2 technology excel?
Case Study Overview
- Job shop
Topics being presented that will help your business:
- What are the main concerns of business today?
- How to do more with less
- A look at the business benefits of integrating the process chain from “File to Part”
- Using the advances in laser cutting and press brake technologies to improve your part designs, thus reducing setup times and maximizing throughput
- Compare and contrast CO2 and Fiber Laser technologies
- Economic justification of new technology
- Case study analysis
Bystronic Inc.
Seminar - Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec 
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