Date: 20 July 2004
Made from hundreds of sections of specially crafted glass, the sculpture will be sited outside Newcastle's The Gate entertainment centre.
The project has been funded by regeneration agency One NorthEast and The Gate owners Land Securities.
The sculpture is part of the "Art in the Heart" project, co-ordinated by Newcastle's Grainger Town Partnership, which aims to encourage public art commissions in associations with private developers.
Danny Lane, who has lived and worked in the UK for 20 years, said: "People usually involved in making things out of glass and steel have such power and potency but always have to work to some sort of plan.
Glass plates
"Ellipsis Eclipsis is a structural daydream. It has evolved from the joy of the process. "
The artist already has a presence on Tyneside with "Opening Line", a 90-metre long steel and glass sculpture in Gateshead.
Ellipsis Eclipses has been under construction in his London-based studio for 18 months.
It is created from more than 1,100 components - including hundreds of 12mm thick glass plates held together by a steel rod.
The sculpture is so big that it has had to be created in six separate sections and it will only be put together on site in August.

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