Date: 24 March 2022
Youth employment and training has long been an important part of Saint-Gobain's Human Resources policy. This year, the Group is pursuing its commitment by offering 1,500 work-study positions in France at the start of the September 2022 school year, in addition to the 700 workstudy students already on the payroll. The Group's Apprentice Training Center (CFA) in France, Génération Saint-Gobain, on its part, will welcome its third class at the start of the new school year and is expanding its scope: in addition to the two existing "sales-marketing" and "industrial maintenance" courses, the "logistics" course is opening its first class. In total, the CFA will welcome 250 apprentices in 2022.
In the words of Régis Blugeon, Saint-Gobain’s HRD, France: “The hiring of 1,500 new work-study students and the addition of 250 apprentices to our apprentice training center are fully in line with Saint-Gobain's proactive policy of offering rewarding and professionalizing assignments to young employees. This gives young people the opportunity to learn hands-on about the diversity and richness of Saint-Gobain's businesses in the field and to benefit from professional opportunities at the end of their training. We are very pleased with the rapid development of our CFA in France, whose capacity has more than tripled since it was set up in 2020.”
Saint-Gobain's CFA recently won the Décideurs RH* Gold Trophy in the "Internal CFA and apprenticeship" category. Saint-Gobain was also awarded the "Employer of Choice" label with the special distinction of "Best HR policy" by the "Youth Engagement" platform following a study conducted among thousands of students.
The 1,500 work-study positions to be filled are open to all levels of education from Bac to Bac+5 and cover all of the Group's business lines, in particular sales (counter salesman, field salesman, future branch manager), logistics, production (process engineer, for example), information systems and support functions (marketing manager, management controller, environment, health and safety manager, product lifecycle analyst, and human resources project manager, for example). The positions are located throughout France.
The 250 places at the Saint-Gobain Apprentice Training Center meet the Group's recruitment needs in areas such as industrial maintenance, logistics and sales of solutions for the housing market.
- In the "sales and marketing" field, 170 places are available on three courses ranging from 2 to 5 years of higher education throughout France, including 120 places in the northern half of France (Ile-de-France, North, Normandy, Centre and Brittany-Loire) and 50 in the southern half of France (Rhône Alpes, PACA, South-West).
- The "maintenance" program, which offers 50 places, prepares students for a Bac +2 “Industrial Maintenance Technician” degree on two campuses in Compiègne and Lyon,
- The "logistics" program will be able to welcome 30 young people who will be trained as yardmen in Saint-Gobain's distribution agencies in the Paris region.
All these courses are tailor-made for Saint-Gobain with training partners recognized for the quality of their teaching and follow-up of young people. In-house trainers are mobilized to raise awareness of sustainable housing among our apprentices. At the end of their training, young people can continue their studies at a higher level or enter the job market and apply for a job at Saint-Gobain. https://www.generation-saint-gobain.fr/

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