Date: 4 February 2014
The meeting discussed issues of improving and developing forms of interaction with the Ministry of Construction and Housing in Russia, within the framework of partnership between government and business.The leaders of more than 20 specialized associations Russia submitted proposals on issues of importance to the harmonious development of the building materials industry in Russia.Opened the meeting and gave a presentation Viktor Osipov, president StekloSouz Russia.In his speech he outlined the concept of interaction between business and government. Approved the initiative of the ministry of construction in Russia, including in the public councils and boards of the Ministry of the business community from the associations of manufacturers of building materials were introduced by the candidacy of industry leaders. After a thorough discussion of each candidate list was formed and approved. Particularly, he discussed the need for the organization of systematic work with the ministry to establish friendly and long-term interaction.
Victor Osipov made suggestions:
In the framework of paragraph 9 of the protocol meeting with Prime Minister of the Russian Federation of 25.04.2011 № VP-P9-23 "On measures to promote the building complex in the Russian Federation" to prepare and submit to the subjects of the Russian Federation a letter with recommendations for organizations Unions jointly with industry manufacturers of building materials for the implementation of the current "Strategy of development of building materials industry and industrial housing for the period up to 2020" and adopted in accordance with the guidelines of the regional programs of the Russian Federation on the development of industrial enterprises of building materials, products and designs.
Include a job board of the Ministry of Construction and Housing for the II quarter 2014 issue of "adjustment strategy development of building materials and industrial housing for the period up to 2020."
As part of the Presidential Decree of 7 May 2012 № 600 (noting that a substantial increase in the cost of construction materials caused by the weakening of the national currency, has a significant impact on the cost of construction and may cause failure of subparagraph b, paragraph 1 of the Decree to reduce cost per square meter by 20%), organized jointly with the Union of constant monitoring of prices of basic building materials (cement, glass, brick and steel) and to prepare proposals for the stabilization of the market of construction materials.
In his speech, President of the Association "Nedra" Alexander Zhuravlev A. proposed to put the issue before the Ministry for the establishment of the Department of Building Materials. At the same time, he made a proposal to hold a general meeting of members of "National Union of Associations and Unions construction materials industry enterprises" and urged the participants to actively apply for entry into the new body.
Albert A. Popov, executive director of the Association of Producers of ceramic materials requested to expand the membership of nominees to the board and community council for submission to the Ministry of Construction of the main unions and associations of manufacturers of building materials.
Roman E. Kuprin meeting participants reported on the results of the meeting of representatives of the business community with the First Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing RF Stawicki Leonid Oskarovich.
With interesting proposals in support of managers acting unions and associations by Vladimir Mikhailovich Gorin, chairman of the Union of Manufacturers of expanded clay and expanded clay, concrete, in particular, he requested that the plan talks with leaders of the Ministry of issues relating to the further fate of the development strategy of the building materials industry and the revival of IES to oversee the implementation of the document. Almost all participants in the meeting made important business proposals that, according to executives, will help to eliminate barriers between the Ministry and industry associations manufacturers of building materials.
Following the discussion of proposals, decisions were taken. Assembly unanimously adopted a group of managers tasked to prepare and hold a meeting with the Minister of Construction and Housing Federation.
The working group for the consolidated position adopted: V.I. Osipov, president of StekloSouz Russia, M.A. Skorokhod, chairman BUT "Soyuzcement", A.A. Zhuravlev, president of the Association "Nedra", Y. Goncharov, president of the Russian Association of gypsum, Y.N. Eliseev, president of the Russian Association metallostroiteley, A.A. Popov, executive director of the Association of Producers of ceramic materials, V.A. Guz, Director General of "CM Pro".
The next meeting is scheduled for the second half of February this year.
Press Center StekloSouz of Russia

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