Date: 5 February 2014
Dr Rainer Hauk, Director of Sales and Marketing at Heye International, commented: “We wanted to give key customers a platform to exchange information and experience of glass production.We are very pleased with the event. It included an interesting mixture of business, technology and market trends”.
The first day of the symposium adopted the theme ‘Leadership and trust’, including topics about business and strategic tasks for the future. The opening speech of Dirk Pörtner focused on Heye’s brand strategy and market positioning, and outlined their vision and targets as a customer orientated technology company with the motto ‘We are glass people’. Johan Gorter, CEO Glass Europe of the Ardagh Group, then presented ‘Leadership in the container glass industry’, detailing the group’s core values of ‘excellence, teamwork and trust’. Reinhard Sprenger, a renowned German management expert, offered a motivational speech on ‘Leadership – an innovative approach to management’, advising attendees on how to set goals and motivate people for the basis of success.
Examining packaging trends, Ardagh’s head of marketing for Glass Europe, Sharon Crayton, presented ‘Trust in glass: Why brand owners and consumers choose glass packaging’.
Celebrating 40 years of cooperation between Heineken SIVESA and Heye, Gabriel Camara described how technical assistance, trust, reliability, friendship, common goals, flexibility and communication have been key strengths in their partnership.
With industries such as the glass sector often following trends in the automotive field, Heye arranged for Dr Liendel Chang, head of group research environmental affairs production at Volkswagen, to describe how green production will assist in their aim to reach the peak of the automotive industry, both economically and ecologically, by 2018. The first day of technical sessions finished with Joachim Meyer of DeVetec presenting new innovations for efficient power generation from waste gas of a glass furnace, before attendees visited the Christmas market in the nearby famous town of Hameln.
Day two adopted the theme ‘Productivity’, and presentations by experts from Heye covered their new products and latest technology, including e.g. the Heye SpeedLine “evolution of the IS-Machine”. The 2013 event followed the successful Heye International Symposium 2011, and plans are already in place for another event in 2015. “It will be our goal to provide another get-together in two years’ time for our customers, partners and friends, and we will adopt another interesting theme” concluded Dr Rainer Hauk.

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