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New solar power storage system based on lithium ions - 60-cell solar module with special glass on the front and back sides       Centrosolar will present two new products at this year’s Intersolar trade fair.
With 1,752 research, industry and market contributions (abstracts) from 76 countries applying for presentation at the Conference, the response to the Call for Papers for the 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC…
The revenue and earnings figures from operations published by CENTROSOLAR Group AG in February have been firmed up. However all business figures quoted below are still provisional.
The European Commission has launched an anti-dumping investigation against Chinese manufacturers of solar glass following a complaint filed last month.
Photovoltaic glass, also known as solar photovoltaic glass or ultra clear photovoltaic glass, is mainly applied to solar PV power generation and solar PV components.
Investment to further strengthen team and provide new facilities - Cleantech investment specialists MTI Partners has announced the completion of a £2 million investment round in Oxford Photovoltaics Limited (OPV), an Oxford University spin-out…
Trina Solar Limited (NYSE: TSL) ("Trina Solar" or the "Company"), a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions, and services, today announced the 60-cell PDG5, the first in Trina Solar's new line of dual rated…
GMB has pledged to resist compulsory job losses and changes to pensions at Pilkington Glass.The union has more than 500 members in St Helens and is undertaking a consultative ballot on proposed changes to pensions that could reduce final pensionable…
Dresden, Germany, January 16, 2013 - Heliatek GmbH, the leader in organic solar films, today announced a record breaking 12.0% cell efficiency for its organic solar cells.
TEMPE, Ariz.- First Solar, Inc. (Nasdaq: FSLR) today announced the appointment ofTim Rebhorn as Senior Vice President, Project Development.
Report descriptionPhotovoltaic glass, also known as solar photovoltaic glass or ultra clear photovoltaic glass, is mainly applied to solar PV power generation and solar PV components.
A convention centre for the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) - where dye solar cell (DSC) technology has its origins - will include a glass façade featuring 300 sq m of integrated cells.The solar glass will be installed during…
Freiburg/Pforzheim, Germany, and Beijing, China, December 21, 2012 – For the second time the Intercontinental Hotel Beichen in Beijing played host to the Intersolar China Conference, a valuable platform for the Asian solar markets of the future,…
The global photovoltaic glass market has recently seen China develop rapidly into the worlds largest producer of solar cells and solar cell components.
As a World’s first, no less than 300m2 of dye sensitized solar cells will be integrated to the facade of the EPFL’s Convention Center.
The general report of the 12th Five-Year Development Plan of Emerging Industry and the Seven Industries Plan have been submitted to the State Council in succession.
In the European Union, buildings account for 40 percent of total energy consumption. As a result, sustainable, energy-efficient architecture can make a vital contribution to environmental protection.
Sunways AG (SWW:GR, SWWG.DE, ISIN DE0007332207), has received its largest individual order for building-integrated photovoltaics to date: the Konstanz-based photovoltaics specialist is supplying semitransparent design solar cells for the new US head…
This year, Intersolar India unveils the first Intersolar AWARD nominees in the category Solar Projects in IndiaMumbai/Pforzheim/Freiburg, October 22nd, 2012: Intersolar, the world's leading exhibition series for the solar industry, has this…
Following its establishment in the areas of thin glass and photovoltaic, laser technology now advances into the area of flat glass finishing.
Silicon thin film deposition for photovoltaic device applications AGC Flat Glass North America, Alpharetta, Ga., and Asahi Glass, Tokyo, have been assigned a patent (8,273,595) developed by Christopher R.
IfG Glastechnik always takes account of the conditions prevailing on site. Because of that, our systems can even apply powder at right angles to glass substrates like convex mirrors or solar glass.
Loughborough-based SmartGen Ltd has revealed that it was overwhelmed by the UK industry’s response to its SmartShield system.  SmetGen claims its SmartShield polymeric resin is capable of boosting yield by almost 10 percent.
V3Solar (V3Solar.com) has contracted with Nectar Design (an award-winning product development company located in Southern California) to complete the engineering and commercial design of V3Solar’s Spin Cell Technology – “The most efficient energy…
Beneq, global supplier of thin film coating equipment, will deliver a large-area batch atomic layer deposition (ALD) coating system to a leading Asian customer developing OLED products.