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Glass South America, the most important exhibition of the glass industry in Latin America, had the presence of TUROMAS-TECNOCAT as exhibitor for the second time.
On June 6, 2014, Arto Metsanen, President of Finnish Glaston Corporation, Zhang Chengdong, Asia general manager, Zhao Jiuxiang, China general sales manager, and Zhou Jie, Asia marketing promotion manager, visited China Triumph International…
Well positioned to advance as market pick ups - While demand in the UK market starts picking up again, Ravensby Glass Co Ltd has been busy preparing itself to advance when the market rebounds.
A long history of good business collaboration - Traditions in the Saudi Arabian glass processing industry run deep at Al-Manna, a glass processing company started by Mr.
In November 2010, Canada’s Federal Court in Toronto, Ontario, Canada granted judgment in Glaston’s favour on the infringement of Glaston’s two patents for its unique tempering and bending technology.  The Court declared that Shanghai Northglass…
Hermann Frey has been appointed official sole representative for Ashton Industrial within the central European D.
Producing higher quality at lower costs - Established 26 years ago, Metro Performance Glass is the newly upgraded brand name for a well-respected glass company that until just recently has been known throughout New Zealand as Metro GlassTech.
Throughout its history, the Iittala glassworks has been the heart and soul of glass-blowing expertise in Finland.    This is truer than ever now that Nuutajärvi's widely appreciated artworks and small-series production has a new home within…
For Q1 2014, Glaston has won yet another four premium FC500™ tempering furnace orders for delivery to the UK.
Glaston Corporation is adopting a new disclosure procedure in accordance with Regulations and Guidelines 7/2013 (disclosure obligation on issuers) of the Financial Supervisory Authority and is publishing the interim report for January-March 2014 as…
To enable a more efficient customer service Glaston announced in December 2013 that it transfers the sales and manufacturing of tools from the Machines segment to the Services segment on 1 January 2014.
Glaston has closed a deal worth approximately EUR 2.0 million with a big glass processor in Asia that operates with special architectural solutions.  The deal includes a special model of the Glaston RC350 ™ tempering line, originally launched in…
Keraglass Industries S.r.l., the Italian machinery manufacturer, “entered into a proceeding (arrangement with its creditors).”   The company changed its name Keraglass on February 27th , to protect and preserve the brand.
Our new state-of-the-art Glaston FC-500 tempering furnace makes the flattest, best looking tempered glass available anywhere! We are the second glass fabricator in the nation to install this new technology.
A group of invited, international architects specialized in glass usage in buildings are gathering at Glaston Finland during this week to discuss about the latest development and possibilities of thin heat-treated glass.
An industrial giant like Japan just put your eyes on the activity of Tvitec and international reference in the field of glass processing .
Glaston Corporation’s Annual Review 2013, which includes the Financial Statements 2013, the Board of Directors’ Review and the Auditor’s Report have today been published in Finnish and English in pdf format on the company’s internet pages at www.…
The President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Juan Vicente Herrera , was in charge of pressing the button for the opening ceremony • The investment in the new thermal Tvitec line , measuring 60 meters long, has been promoted to four million euros…
Roberto Quintero, Senior Vice President, Pre-processing Product Line of Glaston Corporation’s Machines Business Area and Member of the Executive Management Group, will leave Glaston on 28 February 2014 by joint agreement.
President & CEO Arto Metsänen: “We can be relatively satisfied with 2013. The company’s operational result returned to positive and we restored our financial position.   During the first quarter, we implemented an extensive number of measures…
In Glaston corporation’s Stock Exchange Release published on 23 January 2014 regarding the Proposal of Glaston Corporation’s Nomination Board on the number of Members of the Board of Directors and the composition and remuneration of the Board of…
Glaston has closed a EUR 1.8 million deal with CSG Group for a double chamber furnace FC500™+ RC350™ 2460-380 equipped with the advanced Vortex Pro™ convection control system representing Glaston’s latest technology and highest configuration.
Copies of this book are still available for purchase. If interested, please get a copy via the following link: Order GPD Finland 2013 Book.  
Number of Members of the Board of Directors - The Nomination Board, established by Glaston Corporation’s Annual General Meeting, proposes to the Annual General Meeting to be held on 2 April 2014 that the number of Members of the Board of Directors…
This year, Glassman returns to Brazil with Glassman South America on the 12th and 13th March, at the Fecomercio in Sao Paulo.