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Software specialist FeneTech, creators of the world-renowned software solution FeneVision ERP will be present again at this year’s Vitrum show to be held in Milan, 23-26 October 2013.
At the workshop „Laser Processing of Glass Materials”, which will be held at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.
During GlassBuild America, Sept.10-12, the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) hosted an interactive game show that gave attendees the opportunity to win discounts on courses and exams from the association’s FenestrationMasters(…
Successful new product line for the North American Marketplace    A+W Software for GlasWith their completely new product generation, A+W, the ‘youngest’ member of Friedman Operating Group, offer a wealth of state-of-the-art features for the use in…
As Europe’s leading event for the decoration of glass, the fifth GlassPrint conference and exhibition will return to Düsseldorf, Germany on 27-28 November 2013.
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has updated and released AAMA 925-13, Specification for Determining the Vertical Loading Resistance of Side-Hinged Door Systems, which determines the ability of a side-hinged door system to…
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has released AAMA 643-13, "Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Solar Reflective Finishes," which describes the test procedures and…
One of the latest frameXpress composite door installations demonstrates the company’s versatility and breadth of choice within this market sector.
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) released AAMA 912-13, Voluntary Specification for Non-Residential Fenestration Building Information Modeling (BIM), which identifies and outlines minimum requirements for two widely used…
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has released an updated standard that establishes minimum performance requirements for self adhering flashing surrounding exterior wall fenestration products.
Meshtec partner C.R. Laurence will display the unique and innovative Guarda / Meshtec range of Premium Security Screens, Doors and Windows at GlassBuild America expo, September 10 - 12, Atlanta, Georgia.
The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) released education courses on curtain wall design, aluminum storefronts and entrances, as well as energy and the architectural fenestration industry, as part of the association’s…
The 1st Joint Meeting of DGG – ACerS GOMD takes place in Aachen, Germany May 25 – 30, 2014 and includes the 88th Annual Meeting of German Society of Glass Technology (DGG) and the Glass & Optical Materials Division Annual Meeting (ACerS GOMD) …
According to Schueco Jansen, Europe’s leading steel systems specialist, its VISS SG structural glazing façade system, introduced into the UK last year, has just been given European Technical Approval (ETA-13/0015).
Come join WDMA for its Annual Executive Management Conference for industry CEOs and Senior Executives!     This unique event in the window, door, and skylight industry will focus on topics and trends which will shape the industry over the coming…
The tried-and-tested AWS range of outward-opening aluminium windows from Schueco UK has now been extended by the addition of a new system, the Schueco AWS 75.
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Certification Gold Label, the association announced a search contest for the oldest in-service window, door or skylight bearing an AAMA air-water-…
Kolbe’s online resources now include multiple audience-specific websites, social media channels, demonstration videos and expanded on-demand content within the Architect Library.
Stephen Gold, president and CEO of Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovation (MAPI), delivered a keynote presentation on the recovery of the U.
At the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) Summer Conference, held in Rosemont, Ill., June 9-12, AAMA’s Building Information Modeling Task Group met to review ballot comments on the draft document, Voluntary Specification for Non…
Gone are the days when people were dependent upon hiring manual services to keep records of their business but now plethora of software solutions available for the same.
Carl F Groupco reports that bi-fold doors were a head turning feature on its stand at the FIT Show. The hardware distributor attributes three key reasons for the growth in popularity for folding sliding doors: living areas are enhanced at a time…
Technoform Glass Insulation North America, Inc., (TGI NA) refreshes its website with a new look and more content available at www.glassinsulation.us.         TGI NA specializes in the manufacturing of TGI®-Spacer and development of thermal…
Helping commercial buildings meet energy conservation needs, Tubelite introduces its newest storefront system – TU24000 Series.
With a focus on customer needs and reaching out further towards bigger target audiences, frameXpress recently linked up with Flight Timber Products Ltd at the Home Renovation Show in Birmingham at the NEC.