Date: 1 October 2014
Glass Processing Products (GPP) by RegaLead launched officially at an open event at the end of September, where visitors came to find out more about the technology on offer, and get a preview of some exciting new products about to launch.Guy Hubble, Joint Managing Director at RegaLead comments: “RegaLead has a long history in delivering products for glass processors with our CadRam decorative resin, ColorSpray coating system and range of machinery and equipment for decorative sandblasting, so it was the logical next step for us to launch a specific division division for this purpose.Customers can come to GPP to purchase the highest quality added value products for glass, and access the expertise, advice and support we provide as standard.
“We have invested a lot of time and effort into bringing the premium solutions we are about to launch to market. These include high quality added value protective coatings and developments in our paint system, plus, in partnership with Folienwerk Wolfen GmbH, a highly specified EVA film. Our expert glass processing team, headed by Brian Eddleston and Tony Mallick has worked closely with supplier partners in order to produce solutions of the highest quality across the board and the RegaLead name ensures all guarantees are backed by a company with a proven history that can be trusted, and which provides all the equipment, materials and marketing support needed at every step of the way.”

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