Pilkington Takes Stepps To Improve

Date: 9 June 2008
Source: Pilkington

Date: 9 June 2008

Buchanan Tower, or as it is more commonly known, the Black and White Works, is one of Glasgow’s most familiar and iconic buildings and with the help of Pilkington Activ™ self-cleaning glass, this landmark has now had a complete facelift! The ten-storey high former whisky distillery was originally built in 1968 for local whisky distillers, James Buchanan & Co and received its name from the firm’s brand product.

It remained in production until 1987 when the building was sold to various firms for office and storage purposes.

A development scheme was begun in February 2007 to replace the existing glazing and the client wanted a self-cleaning glass - the obvious choice, according to contractors, Joseph Beattie & Son Ltd. of Paisley, was Pilkington Activ™.

“The sheer size and scale of the building made it very difficult in terms of cleaning,” comments Joe Beattie. “It was a mammoth task to clean the windows, and the choice to switch to Pilkington Activ™ not only eliminates the cost involved but also the risks associated with working at height.”

In total, over a three-month period, Beatties replaced in the region of 670 panes, an area of around 1,700sqm, between the first and the ninth floors, representing the largest project to date for Pilkington Activ™ in Scotland. “We have been using Pilkington glass since we were established in 1934,” continues Joe. “When the client approached us with the brief, we immediately suggested Pilkington Activ™ as the only solution.”

Years of research and development has gone into the inception of Pilkington Activ™ glass. The revolutionary concept works via a dual action process whereby daylight breaks down organic dirt and rainwater washes it away. Human input in terms of cleaning time and energy, not to mention maintenance costs are significantly reduced, particularly for large buildings such as The Black and White Works. Pilkington has extended the Activ™ range by adding Pilkington Activ™ Blue, an attractive blue coloured solar control glass that helps keep internal temperatures cool whilst maintaining excellent light transmittance. In addition, recently launched Pilkington Activ™ Neutral provides the same solar control and self-cleaning properties as the blue option, whilst offering a cool neutral appearance, ideal for conservatory roofs and vertical glazing.

“We are delighted with the result,” concludes Joe Beattie. “This building has been a familiar landmark in the Greater Glasgow area of Stepps for so long, and now, with the installation of Pilkington Activ™, it is enjoying a renewed lease of life.”

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