Date: 26 November 2014
This was the clear message from the feedback of the 1,217 exhibitors at Glasstec 2014. The about 43,000 trade visitors were also extremely satisfied.Glasstec 2014 convinced the specialists from the fields of mechanical engineering, glass manufacturing, -processing and -finishing, crafts, architecture/construction as well as glazing/façades and the solar sector: over 96% of the visitors give the world’s most important trade fair in the glass sector a positive overall rating.They also rated their visit in terms of achieving their goals at the trade fair just as high. Here 40% of visitors came to the event with specific intentions to invest which in turn is likely to create positive impulses for the exhibitors in the coming months.
A lot of interest in the Proliner® during Glasstec
The program of Glasstec, which was expanded, again this year, was well received by the visitors. The Prodim stand in hall 14 had a lot of interest, especially from international visitors from countries such as Brazil, Hungary, England, Russia and Germany. They were particularly interested in the Proliner, a unique digital measuring device, made with a state of the art wire technology to measure flat, bended and architectural glass. The measurements are digitized and can immediately be edited and can be made ready for production. The device is lightweight and very easy to use.
Exhibitors rate future prospects positively, high visitor satisfaction
“I am delighted that there were positive signs at Glasstec 2014 in the field of mechanical engineering and the glass industry. The killed glazier’s trade is currently doing extremely well. What is most important for us as organizers of Glasstec is that our customers are satisfied because this is the basis for positive and sustainable growth for the event for the benefit of all involved.” summed up Hans Werner Reinhard, Managing Director at Messe Düsseldorf.
The next glasstec will be held in Düsseldorf in line with its two-year cycle from 20 to 23 September 2016.

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