Date: 30 September 2014
The theme of the last meeting: "The implementation of the state policy in the field of import and the current state of affairs in the sub-sector medical glass production for the pharmaceutical industry."In operation, the following issues were discussed.1.Interaction with the Security Council of the Russian Federation on primary health impotrozamescheniya glass packaging for the pharmaceutical industry, taking into account the requirements of national security.
2. Discussion on the Draft Resolution of the Russian Federation "On establishing restrictions on the admission of drugs originating from foreign countries for the procurement for state and municipal needs".
3. The need to develop new standards for medical glass products for the medical and pharmaceutical industry in the implementation of GMP based on the draft Federal Law "On standardization in the Russian Federation" whose entry into force is expected to have this fall.
4. Information and analytical support for sub-sectors of manufacturing of medical glass.
They noted that, due to the lack of clear criteria for what drugs can be considered domestic, in fact there is a distortion of the real picture of the state of affairs with regard to implementation of the policy of import substitution and ensuring national security requirements in part related to essential medicines, including members of the list of vital and essential medicines (VED).
The owners of most of the major pharmaceutical companies are foreign companies, or registered in the offshore.
For the most part "in its foreign economic substance" pharmaceutical companies, purchasing foreign crude drug or produce the western license and packed ready drugs in imported bottles and vials. Such drugs can not be considered domestic and do not allow for a proper solution as national security issues regarding maintenance of essential drugs, regardless of the international political situation.
Situation in the pharmaceutical industry can be compared with the situation in engineering, where applicable, the term "screwdriver assembly". Exactly the same situation in the pharmaceutical "production": in Russia, only packaged and distributed formal domestic and imported drugs really.
This ignores the obvious fact that the medicines and basic medical packaging (ampoules, vials) in which they are packaged, comprise a single end product, where those components can not be separated from each other. Accordingly, the criteria for inclusion of such products to the domestic production of medicines should be applied according to the national origin of the primary medical packaging (ampoules, vials, etc.).
According to the results of the meeting decided to submit to the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for more on the rationale for action on issues of import substitution and protection of domestic manufacturers of medical glass for the pharmaceutical industry.
Of the Working Group on Coordination of interaction on the development of sub-sector medical glass is Viktor Osipov, president SteklSoyuza Russia.
Press Center StekloSouz

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