Date: 2 July 2014
This is now being followed by a first appearance in the US market with a booth at SEMICON West/Intersolar North America.Heliatek will have opaque and transparent types of HeliaFilm™ on display and give a talk on its various applications.
Aron Guttowski, Manager BD, on “Organic Solar films for active integrated BiPV materials” at LOPEC in Munich © Heliatek
Heliatek has been generating significant interest for its HeliaFilm™ product range at two important international events this spring. The team was present with products and presentations at LOPEC and Intersolar, and is currently working with key customers on developing pilot projects in combination with different materials mainly for BiPV and automotive applications.
New applications with HeliaFilm™ at Intersolar in Munich © Heliatek
Heliatek’s award-winning HeliaFilm™ is ideally suited to these applications because it is available as in an opaque or semi-transparent version including a variety of colors. The film is ultra-light, ultra-thin and has a high energy output under real world conditions, thanks to its unique material properties:
- Due to its inherent positive temperature behavior, Heliafilm™ performs best when fully exposed to sunlight, resulting in slightly increased energy output in hot climate conditions or on insulated façades not having any ventilation system.
- Heliafilm™ operates highly efficiently in any orientation, even when not directly facing the sun and receiving only indirect or diffused light. This leads to substantial energy output during hazy or cloudy days and on façade structures, that are not ideally oriented towards the optimum angle and direction towards the sun.
Heliafilm™ is manufactured using a well-established vacuum deposition process, already proven in the OLED display industry. That allows Heliatek a robust and stable ramp-up curve and leads to a well-defined roadmap for scaling up production capacity to an economically feasible scale. The company incorporates these production methods into a cost effective, roll-to-roll process on PET substrates.
Heliatek will be present at Semicon West in San Francisco, CA from July 8th to 10th on booth # 1829 and Thibaud Le Séguillon, CEO, will speak at the Innovation & Application Stage 2014 at the Intersolar North America, Moscone Center , West Hall, Level 3, Alcove 3. on Thursday July 10th 12.00pm. He will introduce “Novel OPV applications using HeliaFilm™”.
About Heliatek:
Heliatek was spun off in 2006 from the Technical University of Dresden and the University of Ulm. The company is the leader in the field of Organic Electronics Energy through both its leading edge material development and its proven capability for volume manufacturing. Its business model is to supply custom-designed HeliaFilm™ to industrial partners in industries such as building and construction materials, automotive and light architectural structures. Heliatek maintains a total staff of some 75 specialists at its facilities in Dresden and Ulm, Germany.
Investors in Heliatek include leading industrial and financial companies such as BASF, Bosch, RWE, Wellington Partners and eCapital. Research and development work, as well as the installation of production technology has been funded by the Free State of Saxony. The BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education & Research), projects: LOTsE (03EK3505E), Organic pin-devices 2.1 (03IPT602B), the BMWi (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology) and the European Union 7th framework program project (X10D) under grant agreement No 287818. Heliatek is currently operating its first roll-to-roll manufacturing line in Dresden, Germany.
For further information on Heliatek please contact: Cornelia Jahnel / Heliatek GmbH / Treidlerstr. 3, 01139 Dresden Tel: +49 351 213 034 421;;
08th – 10th July, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA 94103, South Hall / Booth 1829 Further information at

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