Date: 6 February 2014
This conference in September 2014 is designed to weave together those diverse strands to create a web of knowledge and experience which transcends barriers and divisions.
We are so different. Scientists and Art Historians, creative Artists and inspired Designers, Archaeologists and gritty Industrialists, Engineers and Conservators of historic glass artefacts - the list is seemingly endless. But we are united by our obsessive fascination with glass.
Sadly our community is blighted by the legendary Curse of Babel. Each strand of glass expertise develops its own jargon, method of speaking, circle of knowledge. Unconsciously we form inward-facing groups. It’s hard to cross over these artificial barriers and share our enthusiasms and perplexities with colleagues from other strands. All too often, we don’t understand one another. Our creativity and our achievements are thereby diminished.
This conference, like previous conferences in the GLASSAC series, is dedicated to breaking down barriers, building bridges, and allowing us to share our glassy passions with experts from other strands. For once, let’s meet one another in mutual respect and talk to one another in plain language, so that together we may learn.
So the scope of GLASSAC14 embraces all strands of glass knowledge, celebrating those occasions when one area of glass expertise has collaborated with and been of help to another different area. And we invite Authors to contribute papers, posters and exhibitions from the growing points of their particular strand of glass passion. Don’t wait for your endeavours to become stale and old - bring work-in-progress as well as finished achievements, experiences which raise questions as well as those which provide answers.
The programme will usually give each paper or presentation a 40 minute time slot, to allow within each a period of at least 10 minutes for active discussion and debate. Each paper can be a catalyst, fomenting creative engagement across the diversity of glass interest. The organisers fervently hope that out of this will come a cascade of new thinking and creative new friendships.
Join us next September and help make 2014 the year that brings glass to life!
GLASSAC14 Organising Committee:
Bill Brookes
Ruth Cooke
David Martlew
Antonio Pires de Matos
John Parker
Roger Penlington
Adrian Wright
Christine Brown
GLASSAC14 International Advisory Board:
Sarah Brown
Justine Bayley
Márcia Vilarigues
Sonia Murcia Mascaros
Sabrina Rota
Dedo von Kerssenbrock-Krosigk
Calling authors, creators and presenters:
Your papers, exhibits and posters would be welcome to inform our understanding of, appreciation of and care for contemporary and historic glass artefacts. This includes the methods of manufacture used and the social contexts in which glass has been valued and used. The scope includes:
Aesthetics of contemporary glass
Bronze Age glass and glassmaking
Hellenistic, Roman and Islamic glass
Creativity in glass design - then and now
Medieval stained glass window
Glass in the 18th and 19th century
Problems facing current studio glassmaking
Venetian glass and Façon-de-Venise glass
Dating and provenance of glass
Art History and Iconography of architectural glass
Archaeometry of glass
Mould-blown glass
Social impact of glass - the people dimension
Restoration and conservation of glass
Glass technology production
Raising public awareness of glass, ancient and modern
Glass decoration and enamel
Raw materials
Glass corrosion and weathering
Making glass live in the minds of today’s people
We warmly invite you to join us next September and help make 2014 the year that brings glass to life!
Contact: Christine Brown

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